How to Test for SIBO: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Test for SIBO: A Step-by-Step Guide

Testing is a crucial step in diagnosing and managing SIBO. Without accurate testing, it’s challenging to determine the best course of treatment. Here’s everything you need to know about SIBO testing.

Why Test for SIBO?
Symptoms like bloating and diarrhea can be caused by various conditions, so testing ensures a proper diagnosis. It also helps tailor your treatment plan.

The Hydrogen and Methane Breath Test:

  1. Preparation:Follow the specific dietary guidelines, outlined by the SIBO test kit 24 hours before the test . Fast for at least 12 hours. (Note - Genova has a specific diet they recommend more specific than listed here) 

  2. Procedure: You’ll drink a lactulose solution and provide breath samples at regular intervals.

  3. Analysis: Elevated levels of hydrogen or methane gases indicate bacterial overgrowth.

Tips for Accurate Results:

  • Follow the dietary restrictions provided by your healthcare provider.

  • Avoid antibiotics, probiotics, and laxatives for at least 2 weeks before testing.

  • Stay relaxed during the test to avoid skewing results.

Take the Next Step:
If your test confirms SIBO, work with a functional medicine practitioner to create a comprehensive treatment plan.

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